django-opengraph-meta (0.1.0b0)

Published 2024-01-31 18:49:52 +03:00 by pypi


pip install --index-url  django-opengraph-meta

About this package

Django models for OpenGraph based metadata; Server-side metadata generation


This package contains models, which implements containing and generating extra part of the page's meta information. It is introduced by the OpenGraph and TwitterCard entities

Package includes

Basic models:

Extra models:

TwitterCard models:

Package struct


Database app_label

If OPENGRAPH_META_APP_LABEL would be found in django.conf.settings it will be used as prefix each db model name, exclude TwitterCards models, which use TWITTER_CARD_META_APP_LABEL

Universal page attributes:

Class methods:
  • og_name(cls)
    • Returns the OpenGraph scope name, which was set at the class initialization
  • og_properties(cls)
    • Returns the OpenGraph scope properties, which was set at the class initialization
  • og_metadata(self)
    • Returns the Generator[Tuple[str, str]] with collected meta information. Empty fields will not be included to that selection.
  • og_name(self)
    • Return Generator[str] (wrapped metadata), which present as Iterable HTML DOM based meta tags

Universal subpage attributes

Class OGSubpage (source) is a parent of each page class, excluding the OGWebPage. It determines ForeignKey field page, which links to OGWebPage object associated for present data. It proxied two properties of the page

  • url
  • title

, to the main OGSubpage scope

Universal music attributes

Arguments *args and **kwargs will be transfer to selected object instance constructor without any modification.

Class methods:
Database fields:
  • ForeignKey audio: The audio file (source) associated with the page
    • URLField url: Contains video's url. (og:audio)
    • CharField type: Contains MIME type of the video. (og:audio:type)
    • URLField secure_url: Contains video's alternate url to use if the webpage requires HTTPS. (og:audio:secure_url)

Universal video attributes

Arguments *args and **kwargs will be transfer to selected object instance constructor without any modification.

Class methods:
Database fields:

Universal TwitterCard attributes

Class methods:
Database fields:

See also:

Basic models


Database fields:
  • URLField url: Contains page's url. (og:url)
  • CharField type: Contains page's opengraph type (og:type)
  • CharField title: Contains page's title (og:type)
  • CharField description: Contains page's description (og:description)
  • ManyToManyField images: Array of the images (source) associated with the page (og:image)
    • URLField url: Contains image's url. (og:image)
    • CharField type: Contains MIME type of the image. (og:image:type)
    • URLField secure_url: Contains image's alternate url to use if the webpage requires HTTPS. (og:image:secure_url)
    • PositiveSmallIntegerField width: Contains width of the image. (og:image:width)
    • PositiveSmallIntegerField height: Contains height of the image. (og:image:height)
    • CharField alt: Contains description of what is in the image. (og:image:alt)
  • locale: Returns result of to_locale(get_language()) (og:locale)
  • locales_alt: Returns nothing, but set the interface to returning Iterable object. User may redefine this property on inheritance (og:locale:alternate)
  • determiner: Returns nothing, but set the interface to returning str. (og:determiner)
  • site_name: Returns value of OPENGRAPH_SITE_NAME (None if not present) which can be set in main project settings file


Database fields:
  • CharField section: Contains the global category value of the article (article:section)
  • DateTimeField published_time: Contains date and time of article's publication. Metadata represented as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm (ISO 8601) string (article:published_time)
  • DateTimeField modified_time: Contains date and time of last article's modification. Metadata represented as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm (ISO 8601) string (article:modified_time)
  • DateTimeField expiration_time: Contains date and time of article's expiration. Metadata represented as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm (ISO 8601) string (article:expiration_time)
  • ManyToManyField authors: Contains an array of the author's profiles
    • URLField url: Contains author's page url. (article:author)
  • ManyToManyField tags: Contains an array of the tags associated with this object (article:tag)


Database fields:


Database fields:
  • BooleanField is_male: Is used for handling by gender property
  • CharField first_name: First name of described person (profile:first_name)
  • CharField last_name: Last name of described person (profile:last_name)
  • CharField username: Username of described person (profile:username)
  • gender: Returns None if field is_male is null. Returns 'male' if is_male is true, 'female' in else (profile:gender)


Database fields:


Database fields:


Database fields:


Database fields:





Extra models


Database fields:
  • ForeignKey contact_data: Contains link to the OGContactData property (source), which can contain:
    • CharField street_addres: Contains physical address of the object (business:contact_data:stree_addres)
    • CharField locality: Contains locality of the object (business:contact_data:locality)
    • CharField region: Contains region of the object (business:contact_data:region)
    • CharField postal_code: Contains postal_code of the object (business:contact_data:postal_code)
    • CharField country_name: Contains county name of the object (business:contact_data:country_name)
    • EmailField email: Contains email of the object (business:contact_data:email)
    • CharField phone_number: Contains phone number of the object (business:contact_data:phone_number)
    • CharField fax_number: Contains fax number of the object (business:contact_data:fax_number)
    • URLField website: Contains url to website of the object (business:contact_data:website)
  • ForeignKey place: Contains link to the OGContactData property (source), which can contain:


Database fields:
  • gender: Returns unisex if field is_male is null. Returns 'male' if is_male is true, 'female' in else (product:gender)

TwitterCard models


Database fields:


Database fields:
  • ForeignKey image: TwitterCardImage (source) image associated with the page
    • URLField url: Contains image's url. (twitter:image)
    • CharField alt: Contains description of what is in the image. (twitter:image:alt)
  • ForeignKey creator: TwitterCardCreator (source) profile info associated with the page
    • CharField username: @username of the creator (twitter:site)
    • CharField id: creator's Twitter ID (twitter:site:id)


Database fields:
  • ForeignKey image: TwitterCardImage (source) image associated with the page
    • URLField url: Contains image's url. (twitter:image)
    • CharField alt: Contains description of what is in the image. (twitter:image:alt)
  • ForeignKey creator: TwitterCardCreator (source) profile info associated with the page
    • CharField username: @username of the creator (twitter:site)
    • CharField id: creator's Twitter ID (twitter:site:id)


Database fields:


Requires Python: >=3.11
2024-01-31 18:49:52 +03:00
Gregory Lirent
56 KiB
Assets (2)
Versions (4) View all
0.1.2b1 2024-02-04
0.1.2b0 2024-02-04
0.1.1b0 2024-02-04
0.1.0b0 2024-01-31