Arvind Sankar 5ad61b5b01
Disable shebang mangling on input files
The DKMS module installs the entire source tree, including the .in files
that will later be substituted when building. This makes
brp_mangle_shebangs complain about shebang lines in the .in files.

Exclude everything under /usr/src from shebang mangling in the DKMS

The KMOD package doesn't contain any of the files it excludes from
mangling, so just drop the exclusion.

Reviewed-by: Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
Reviewed-by: João Carlos Mendes Luís <jonny@jonny.eng.br>
Signed-off-by: Arvind Sankar <nivedita@alum.mit.edu>
Closes #10581 
Closes #10582
2020-07-19 10:19:08 -07:00

89 lines
2.3 KiB

%bcond_with debug
%bcond_with debuginfo
Name: @PACKAGE@-kmod
Version: @VERSION@
Release: @RELEASE@%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module(s)
Group: System Environment/Kernel
URL: https://zfsonlinux.org/
BuildRequires: %kernel_module_package_buildreqs
Source0: @PACKAGE@-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
# Additional dependency information for the kmod sub-package must be specified
# by generating a preamble text file which kmodtool can append to the spec file.
%(/bin/echo -e "\
Requires: @PACKAGE@ = %{version}\n\
Conflicts: @PACKAGE@-dkms\n\n" > %{_sourcedir}/kmod-preamble\n\
Obsoletes: spl-kmod)
# LDFLAGS are not sanitized by arch/*/Makefile for these architectures.
%ifarch ppc ppc64 ppc64le aarch64
%global __global_ldflags %{nil}
This package contains the ZFS kernel modules.
%define kmod_name @PACKAGE@
%kernel_module_package -n %{kmod_name} -p %{_sourcedir}/kmod-preamble
%define ksrc %{_usrsrc}/kernels/%{kverrel}
%define kobj %{ksrc}
%package -n kmod-%{kmod_name}-devel
Summary: ZFS kernel module(s) devel common
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kmod-spl-devel = %{version}
%description -n kmod-%{kmod_name}-devel
This package provides the header files and objects to build kernel modules.
if ! [ -d "%{ksrc}" ]; then
echo "Kernel build directory isn't set properly, cannot continue"
exit 1
%if %{with debug}
%define debug --enable-debug
%define debug --disable-debug
%if %{with debuginfo}
%define debuginfo --enable-debuginfo
%define debuginfo --disable-debuginfo
%setup -n %{kmod_name}-%{version}
%configure \
--with-config=kernel \
--with-linux=%{ksrc} \
--with-linux-obj=%{kobj} \
%{debug} \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
make install \
%{__rm} -f %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kverrel}/modules.*
# find-debuginfo.sh only considers executables
%{__chmod} u+x %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kverrel}/extra/*/*/*
%files -n kmod-%{kmod_name}-devel