# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
# Copyright (c) 2020 by Delphix. All rights reserved.

# Log the zevent via syslog.

[ -f "${ZED_ZEDLET_DIR}/zed.rc" ] && . "${ZED_ZEDLET_DIR}/zed.rc"
. "${ZED_ZEDLET_DIR}/zed-functions.sh"


# build a string of name=value pairs for this event
msg="eid=${ZEVENT_EID} class=${ZEVENT_SUBCLASS}"

if [ "${ZED_SYSLOG_DISPLAY_GUIDS}" = "1" ]; then
    [ -n "${ZEVENT_POOL_GUID}" ] && msg="${msg} pool_guid=${ZEVENT_POOL_GUID}"
    [ -n "${ZEVENT_VDEV_GUID}" ] && msg="${msg} vdev_guid=${ZEVENT_VDEV_GUID}"
    [ -n "${ZEVENT_POOL}" ] && msg="${msg} pool='${ZEVENT_POOL}'"
    [ -n "${ZEVENT_VDEV_PATH}" ] && msg="${msg} vdev=${ZEVENT_VDEV_PATH##*/}"

# log pool state if state is anything other than 'ACTIVE'
[ -n "${ZEVENT_POOL_STATE_STR}" ] && [ "$ZEVENT_POOL_STATE" -ne 0 ] && \
    msg="${msg} pool_state=${ZEVENT_POOL_STATE_STR}"

# Log the following payload nvpairs if they are present
[ -n "${ZEVENT_VDEV_STATE_STR}" ]  && msg="${msg} vdev_state=${ZEVENT_VDEV_STATE_STR}"
[ -n "${ZEVENT_CKSUM_ALGORITHM}" ] && msg="${msg} algorithm=${ZEVENT_CKSUM_ALGORITHM}"
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_SIZE}" ]        && msg="${msg} size=${ZEVENT_ZIO_SIZE}"
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_OFFSET}" ]      && msg="${msg} offset=${ZEVENT_ZIO_OFFSET}"
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_PRIORITY}" ]    && msg="${msg} priority=${ZEVENT_ZIO_PRIORITY}"
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_ERR}" ]         && msg="${msg} err=${ZEVENT_ZIO_ERR}"
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_FLAGS}" ]       && msg="${msg} flags=$(printf '0x%x' "${ZEVENT_ZIO_FLAGS}")"

# log delays that are >= 10 milisec
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_DELAY}" ] && [ "$ZEVENT_ZIO_DELAY" -gt 10000000 ] && \
    msg="${msg} delay=$((ZEVENT_ZIO_DELAY / 1000000))ms"

# list the bookmark data together
# shellcheck disable=SC2153
[ -n "${ZEVENT_ZIO_OBJSET}" ] && \

zed_log_msg "${msg}"

exit 0