 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
 *  Copyright (C) 2007 The Regents of the University of California.
 *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
 *  Written by Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>.
 *  UCRL-CODE-235197
 *  This file is part of the SPL, Solaris Porting Layer.
 *  For details, see <http://github.com/behlendorf/spl/>.
 *  The SPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 *  option) any later version.
 *  The SPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 *  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 *  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 *  for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with the SPL.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef _SPL_KSTAT_H
#define _SPL_KSTAT_H

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/proc_compat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/kmem.h>

#define KSTAT_STRLEN            31

/* For reference valid classes are:
 * disk, tape, net, controller, vm, kvm, hat, streams, kstat, misc

#define KSTAT_TYPE_RAW          0       /* can be anything; ks_ndata >= 1 */
#define KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED        1       /* name/value pair; ks_ndata >= 1 */
#define KSTAT_TYPE_INTR         2       /* interrupt stats; ks_ndata == 1 */
#define KSTAT_TYPE_IO           3       /* I/O stats; ks_ndata == 1 */
#define KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER        4       /* event timer; ks_ndata >= 1 */
#define KSTAT_NUM_TYPES         5

#define KSTAT_DATA_CHAR         0
#define KSTAT_DATA_INT32        1
#define KSTAT_DATA_UINT32       2
#define KSTAT_DATA_INT64        3
#define KSTAT_DATA_UINT64       4
#define KSTAT_DATA_LONG         5
#define KSTAT_DATA_ULONG        6
#define KSTAT_DATA_STRING       7
#define KSTAT_NUM_DATAS         8

#define KSTAT_INTR_HARD         0
#define KSTAT_INTR_SOFT         1
#define KSTAT_INTR_MULTSVC      4
#define KSTAT_NUM_INTRS         5

#define KSTAT_FLAG_VIRTUAL      0x01
#define KSTAT_FLAG_VAR_SIZE     0x02
#define KSTAT_FLAG_WRITABLE     0x04
#define KSTAT_FLAG_DORMANT      0x10

#define KS_MAGIC                0x9d9d9d9d

typedef int kid_t;              /* unique kstat id */

typedef struct kstat_s {
	int              ks_magic;                  /* magic value */
        kid_t            ks_kid;                    /* unique kstat ID */
        hrtime_t         ks_crtime;                 /* creation time */
	hrtime_t         ks_snaptime;               /* last access time */
        char             ks_module[KSTAT_STRLEN+1]; /* provider module name */
        int              ks_instance;               /* provider module instance */
        char             ks_name[KSTAT_STRLEN+1];   /* kstat name */
        char             ks_class[KSTAT_STRLEN+1];  /* kstat class */
        uchar_t          ks_type;                   /* kstat data type */
        uchar_t          ks_flags;                  /* kstat flags */
        void             *ks_data;                  /* kstat type-specific data */
        uint_t           ks_ndata;                  /* # of type-specific data records */
        size_t           ks_data_size;              /* size of kstat data section */
        struct proc_dir_entry *ks_proc;             /* proc linkage */
        spinlock_t       ks_lock;                   /* kstat data lock */
        struct list_head ks_list;                   /* kstat linkage */
} kstat_t;

typedef struct kstat_named_s {
        char             name[KSTAT_STRLEN];        /* name of counter */
        uchar_t          data_type;                 /* data type */
        union {
                char            c[16];              /* 128-bit int */
                int32_t         i32;                /* 32-bit signed int */
                uint32_t        ui32;               /* 32-bit unsigned int */
                int64_t         i64;                /* 64-bit signed int */
                uint64_t        ui64;               /* 64-bit unsigned int */
                long            l;                  /* native signed long */
                ulong_t         ul;                 /* native unsigned long */
                struct {
                        union {
                                char *ptr;          /* NULL-term string */
                                char __pad[8];      /* 64-bit padding */
                        } addr;
                        uint32_t len;               /* # bytes for strlen + '\0' */
                } string;
        } value;
} kstat_named_t;

#define KSTAT_NAMED_STR_PTR(knptr) ((knptr)->value.string.addr.ptr)
#define KSTAT_NAMED_STR_BUFLEN(knptr) ((knptr)->value.string.len)

typedef struct kstat_intr {
        uint_t intrs[KSTAT_NUM_INTRS];
} kstat_intr_t;

typedef struct kstat_io {
        u_longlong_t     nread;       /* number of bytes read */
        u_longlong_t     nwritten;    /* number of bytes written */
        uint_t           reads;       /* number of read operations */
        uint_t           writes;      /* number of write operations */
        hrtime_t         wtime;       /* cumulative wait (pre-service) time */
        hrtime_t         wlentime;    /* cumulative wait length*time product*/
        hrtime_t         wlastupdate; /* last time wait queue changed */
        hrtime_t         rtime;       /* cumulative run (service) time */
        hrtime_t         rlentime;    /* cumulative run length*time product */
        hrtime_t         rlastupdate; /* last time run queue changed */
        uint_t           wcnt;        /* count of elements in wait state */
        uint_t           rcnt;        /* count of elements in run state */
} kstat_io_t;

typedef struct kstat_timer {
        char         name[KSTAT_STRLEN+1]; /* event name */
        u_longlong_t num_events;           /* number of events */
        hrtime_t     elapsed_time;         /* cumulative elapsed time */
        hrtime_t     min_time;             /* shortest event duration */
        hrtime_t     max_time;             /* longest event duration */
        hrtime_t     start_time;           /* previous event start time */
        hrtime_t     stop_time;            /* previous event stop time */
} kstat_timer_t;

int kstat_init(void);
void kstat_fini(void);

extern kstat_t *__kstat_create(const char *ks_module, int ks_instance,
			     const char *ks_name, const char *ks_class,
			     uchar_t ks_type, uint_t ks_ndata,
			     uchar_t ks_flags);
extern void __kstat_install(kstat_t *ksp);
extern void __kstat_delete(kstat_t *ksp);

#define kstat_create(m,i,n,c,t,s,f)	__kstat_create(m,i,n,c,t,s,f)
#define kstat_install(k)		__kstat_install(k)
#define kstat_delete(k)			__kstat_delete(k)

#endif  /* _SPL_KSTAT_H */