.TH "ZFS\-MOUNT\-GENERATOR" "8" "ZFS" "zfs-mount-generator" "\""
zfs\-mount\-generator \- generates systemd mount units for ZFS
.B /lib/systemd/system-generators/zfs\-mount\-generator
zfs\-mount\-generator implements the \fBGenerators Specification\fP
.BR systemd (1),
and is called during early boot to generate
.BR systemd.mount (5)
units for automatically mounted datasets. Mount ordering and dependencies
are created for all tracked pools (see below). If a dataset has
.BR canmount=on
.BR mountpoint
set, the
.BR auto
mount option will be set, and a dependency for
.BR local-fs.target
on the mount will be created.

Because zfs pools may not be available very early in the boot process,
information on ZFS mountpoints must be stored separately. The output
of the command
.RS 4
zfs list -H -o name,mountpoint,canmount,atime,relatime,devices,exec,readonly,setuid,nbmand,encroot,keylocation
for datasets that should be mounted by systemd, should be kept
separate from the pool, at
.RS 4
.RI @sysconfdir@/zfs/zfs-list.cache/ POOLNAME
The cache file, if writeable, will be kept synchronized with the pool
state by the ZEDLET
.RS 4
history_event-zfs-list-cacher.sh .
To begin, enable tracking for the pool:
.RS 4
.RI @sysconfdir@/zfs/zfs-list.cache/ POOLNAME
Then, enable the tracking ZEDLET:
.RS 4
ln -s "@zfsexecdir@/zed.d/history_event-zfs-list-cacher.sh" "@sysconfdir@/zfs/zed.d"

systemctl enable zfs-zed.service

systemctl restart zfs-zed.service
Force the running of the ZEDLET by setting canmount=on for at least one dataset in the pool:
.RS 4
zfs set canmount=on
This forces an update to the stale cache file.
.BR zfs (5)
.BR zfs-events (5)
.BR zed (8)
.BR zpool (5)
.BR systemd (1)
.BR systemd.target (5)
.BR systemd.special (7)
.BR systemd.mount (7)