dnl # dnl # 3.11 API change dnl # Add support for i_op->tmpfile dnl # AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_SRC_TMPFILE], [ dnl # dnl # 6.3 API change dnl # The first arg is now struct mnt_idmap * dnl # ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([inode_operations_tmpfile_mnt_idmap], [ #include <linux/fs.h> int tmpfile(struct mnt_idmap *idmap, struct inode *inode, struct file *file, umode_t mode) { return 0; } static struct inode_operations iops __attribute__ ((unused)) = { .tmpfile = tmpfile, }; ],[]) dnl # 6.1 API change dnl # use struct file instead of struct dentry dnl # ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([inode_operations_tmpfile], [ #include <linux/fs.h> int tmpfile(struct user_namespace *userns, struct inode *inode, struct file *file, umode_t mode) { return 0; } static struct inode_operations iops __attribute__ ((unused)) = { .tmpfile = tmpfile, }; ],[]) dnl # dnl # 5.11 API change dnl # add support for userns parameter to tmpfile dnl # ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([inode_operations_tmpfile_dentry_userns], [ #include <linux/fs.h> int tmpfile(struct user_namespace *userns, struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, umode_t mode) { return 0; } static struct inode_operations iops __attribute__ ((unused)) = { .tmpfile = tmpfile, }; ],[]) ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([inode_operations_tmpfile_dentry], [ #include <linux/fs.h> int tmpfile(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, umode_t mode) { return 0; } static struct inode_operations iops __attribute__ ((unused)) = { .tmpfile = tmpfile, }; ],[]) ]) AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_TMPFILE], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether i_op->tmpfile() exists]) ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([inode_operations_tmpfile_mnt_idmap], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() exists]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE_IDMAP, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() has mnt_idmap]) ], [ ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([inode_operations_tmpfile], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() exists]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE_USERNS, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() has userns]) ],[ ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([inode_operations_tmpfile_dentry_userns], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() exists]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE_USERNS, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() has userns]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE_DENTRY, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() uses old dentry signature]) ],[ ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([inode_operations_tmpfile_dentry], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() exists]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TMPFILE_DENTRY, 1, [i_op->tmpfile() uses old dentry signature]) ],[ ZFS_LINUX_REQUIRE_API([i_op->tmpfile()], [3.11]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])